
15 años de folk
El Sr. Guindilla Records. 2015
1. Acuarela de mi tierra/
2. La primera vez/
3. Brisa marinera/
4. Malagueña/
5. Con alegría/
6. Nana/
7. Mi pequeña flor/
8. Marchas de Emilio/
9. Bienvenido Mayo/
10. El cabezo azul/
11. Siega/
FOLK" is called Azarbe's new work. After 15 years on stage and
more than 300 concerts performed, the group looks back, and
reinterprets the best songs from their initial discography.
The Murcian group shows us the different musical experiences
that it has accumulated throughout that time, after the
publication of 5 albums.
Azarbe has published in May 2015, a commemorative CD under the
same name, "15 years of folk", which includes new versions of
some songs from his first two works, and which have been
recorded by the same group that has remained stable since the
year 2013. The artistic production of Constantino López, who
gave such a good result in “Vengo de la romería”, is once
again available for this project.

Murcia por Navidad
Surefolk. 2012
1. Villancicos del portal de Belén/
2. Van los pastores/
3. El pajarico/
4. Madre, en la puerta hay un niño/
5. Corre, corre al portalico/
6. Aguilando/
7. Los pastores/
8. Trigo, trigo/
9. La gloria/
10. Aguilando murciano/
11. Ole pún/
12. Huesos/

vengo de la romería
Discmedi-blau. 2010
1. “Joteando”/ With Vanesa Muela
2. Vengo de la romería/ With Eliseo Parra
3. En el lugar que yo nací/
4. Mañanicas floridas/ With Mario Martínez
5. Foxtrot de Algora/ With Carlos Beceiro
6. Baile a lo pesao/
7. Amor que me das/
8. Dos rosales/
9. Si supiera qué sientes/ With Curro Piñana
10. A mis niños/
11. De romería con Azarbe/
(Documentary video for viewing on TV)
In his last recording, the band from Murcia meets again his musical essence. This is undoubtedly the most professional work of his career. Azarbe “comes from a Romería” which lasts more than 10 years, where musical experiences that have been gathered and accumulated reveal 10 new songs which reflect the real taste of the band. Curro Piñana (Lámpara Minera at Cante de las Minas de La Unión Festival), Carlos Beceiro (La Musgaña), Vanesa Muela, and the great Eliseo Parra collaborations, contribute an added value to this “romería” of sensations.
As a new, the album includes a documentary-video, with some interviews, opinions, recording moments and greetings from Azarbe components and guest artists. Easy on the eye, as well as for the ears.
So, this is a mature work, and just what the band wants to show us after 150 concerts on all over Spanish and European stages.
Guest artists on this disc:

Eliseo Parra
Voz y percusión en “Vengo de la romería”

Curro Piñana
Voz en “Si supiera qué sientes”

Carlos Beceiro
Guitarra, banjo guitarra y bajo acústico en “Foxtrot de Algora”.

Vanesa Muela
Voz y cucharas en “Joteando”.

Mario Martínez
Violín en “Mañanicas floridas”.

De la huerta al noroeste
Sonopress. 2007
1. Canto de segar/
2. Albatalía/
3. Seguidillas marineras/
4. Bienvenido Mayo/
5. Peretas/
6. Aguilandos de la Vega Baja/
7. Fandango por alegrías/
8. Pasodoble con Huesos/
9. Agua por venir/

B. Producciones. 2003
1. Brisa marinera/
2. Agua por venir/
3. Mi pequeña flor/
4. De Cañada a Barranda (instr.)
5. Bienvenido Mayo/
6. Albatalia/
7. El bichito/
8. Triste canción/
9. Gerineldo/
10. El Cabezo azul/
11. Con alegría/

Acuarela de mi tierra
Producciones Trenti. 2001
1. Intro (instr.l)/
2. Siega/
3. Marchas de Emilio/
4. La primera vez/
5. Lento y rápido (instr.)/
6. Acuarela de mi tierra/
7. Pan de misa (instr.)/
8. Trilla (instr.)/
9. Malagueña/
10. Vals/
11. Nana/
12. La luna/
13. Salve (instr.)/
14. Paseillo (instr.)/